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We use Stripe as our primary payment processor, with the option to use PayPal as an alternate processor. All payment details are directly processed by Stripe or PayPal, and KeynotePro does not have access to your credit card data. You can read more about how Stripe processes credit card data or how PayPal processes credit card data to learn more.
On the Sign In page, look for the "Forgot Password?" link below the password field: this will take you to the Reset page. If you're no longer able to access the email address used to set up your KeynotePro ID, please Contact Customer Support for further assistance.
The most common reason for this is that you purchased the theme under a different KeynotePro ID / email address. If this is the case just let us know, we will be happy to merge multiple accounts under one ID whenever possible.
Click the Account Icon in the main toolbar, then the Sign In button that appears to securely log-in to your account. Once you're signed in, click the Files Icon in the main toolbar to view Recent/Pending downloads and updates, or the View All Files button to view your entire library.
This is usually symptomatic of general network congestion - we suggest you try your download again in a few minutes time. Please Contact Customer Support with the details if you continue to experience issues.
Usually, this is a simple matter of a corrupted download. Move the downloaded item to the Trash and try to download the file again. If you're still unable to open/install the file, please Contact Customer Support immediately with details concerning the file in question, when you downloaded it, etc. and we'll look into it immediately.
Older themes – from the Keynote 1-5.x / Pages 1-4.x days – used an installer to place the themes and supporting files into the Library-level folder that Keynote and Pages used to store theme/template files. As of Keynote 6 / Pages 5, these installers are no longer needed: the apps now manage theme and template installs internally, offering to install a theme whenever you open the corresponding core theme files.
If you're trying to install Keynote themes from one of these older DMGs that included an Installer, we recommend using Pacifist to extract the Theme and Supplemental folders from the Installer file, then double-clicking the Theme files (.kth) to begin the self-install process in modern Keynote. Please note that while these older themes can be installed to modern Keynote, they may not behave as expected in modern versions of Keynote: browse the Library to see if a more current edition is available as needed.
Pages templates from this era are incompatible with the modern Pages Template format: Pages 1-4.x template files can be installed/opened in modern Pages, but will only include the default starter layouts – additional/alternate layouts are lost in the process. As such, we recommend discarding any of the Installer-based Pages Templates you might have backed up and checking the Library to see if a more current edition is available.
In many cases, yes – whenever possible, we tie the principal shape elements used in a system's layouts to Shape Styles, making them easy to redefine. On a by-Theme basis, we tend to indicate this toward the bottom of the system's Library page in the Standard Features section with a "Built for Personalization" indicator.
You can learn more about redefining shape shapes styles and other theme / template details in our Customization Tutorial
The KeynotePro Privacy Policy is detailed on the Policies page. The Privacy Policy details the Data We Collect, How We Use Collected Data, and How We Use Cookies and Local Storage.
All KeynotePro data is stored on a private cloud in the United States, which is privately monitored. Only key administrators have access to the data store or its contents.
Refunds are provided only for non-downloaded products, excepting cases in which multiple copies of a single item have been erroneously purchased. A store credit or exchange may be offered instead of a refund at the discretion of KeynotePro. Please review our Sales and Refund Policy for additional information, or Contact Customer Support if you require assistance.