Welcome to KeynotePro v4.0
KeynotePro v4.0 is the most comprehensive infrastructure update we've undertaken in more than a decade.
- Web & Platform
- Accounts & Personalization
- Shopping & Checkout
- Files & Downloads
KeynotePro.com v3 launched in 2009(!) – just a few short months before the iPad first debuted to put it in context – and is, by virtue of longevity, the only version of KeynotePro some of you have ever known. While it was reasonably state-of-the-art at launch, none of us could have known at the time that it would become our effective default for the next 15 years.
The world kept spinning, trends came and went, and KeynotePro v3 kept motoring along all the while, allowing us to hold focus on the Theme & Template Library almost exclusively during the transition from Classic Keynote & Pages to their modern lineage – alongside quite a few extracurricular projects we took on along the way.
Yet we're here to bury KeynotePro v3, not to praise it (as it goes).
KeynotePro v4 is a ground-up reboot of our entire platform, acknowledging the spirit of where we've been while laying the foundation for what comes next. Every layer of our stack is evolved, streamlined, and modernized – a literal leap in time consolidating decades of processes and data into something faster, smarter, and more capable.
We're finally mobile-friendly, web-app optimized, and highly personalized. Security & Privacy are buffed, Shopping & Checkout are massively improved, and it's easier than ever to keep your files up-to-date on Mac and iOS.
Major highlights for v4.0 are listed below, with more to come as we continue folding in a few additional improvements that didn't make the 4.0 cutoff.
Web & Platform
Unified Codebase
The separate standard & secure sites have been merged into a unified, interconnected whole on a modernized codebase designed for easier ongoing evolution.
Mobile-Friendly, Responsive Design
The v4 framework is (finally!) fully responsive, providing a consistent experience regardless of the type of device you're browsing with.
Light / Dark Optimization
The responsive core extends to light & dark-mode preference, adapting to whichever mode is active on your device at any given moment.
Home Screen Installable
The entire v4 platform is built to Progressive Web App (PWA) standards, enabling a more app-like expereince when added to your iOS HomeScreen.
Accounts & Personalization
Improved Data Security & Privacy
We've adopted stronger encryption protocols across the board, and have migrated our Analytics platform to an internal service for additional privacy.
Intelligently Personalized
Thanks to the unified core, the v4 platform adapts to you individually with personalized reminders, recommendations, pricing and more.
New Notification Options
We've added new notification preferences, giving you more control over the types of emails you receive – along with on-site notifications for real-time response.
Integrated Support Hub
A new in-app Support Ticket system ensures you'll never miss a reply to your questions, with a full Case History available in Your Account at any time.
Shopping & Checkout
Centralized Bags
Shopping Bags now live in the cloud, so you can pick up where you left off from any of your devices, days or even weeks later. Save items for later in a new, separate bag.
Intelligent Savings
Whenever you're Signed In, the v4 platform automatically adjusts to reflect any Upgrade Pricing or other discounts you're eligible for, in real time.
Automatic Bundles
Our signature Bundles are now automatically built whenever three items of the same tier are added to your bag – including new Complete Edition Bundles.
Improved Checkout Experience
We've migrated our defult checkout to Stripe for a faster, safer experience – including an ApplePay option (where available) – and improved the PayPal checkout flow.
Files & Downloads
Pending Downloads & Updates
New files added to Your Library appear in a Pending quick-view in the navigation menu – along with links to any files updated since your last download.
Up-to-Date for Mac
New Up-To-Date for Mac downloads are available, including all of the latest theme & template extensions for a particular family in one convenient download.
Expanded iOS Downloads
No Mac? No Problem: you can download the extended template files for our Keynote systems or individual Pages Templates directly to your iOS device.
Upgrade Indicators
A new Upgrade panel alerts you whenever a newer version of one of your themes or templates is available, making it easy to keep your entire library up to date.