Soothing. Sophisticated. Free.

The soothing sophistication of the OM Theme is reborn for Keynote 10+ with a breath of updated color and all-new layouts & extras.
OM X LE Themes for Keynote

Breathe new life into the everyday presentation world with OM X for Keynote: a sophisticated general purpose theme system that will deliver your message with style & simplicity.

OM X LE is a Free, Limited Edition pack of the original OM X Comfrey themes, trimmed down to essential master slides - perfect for trying on the style firsthand and getting a feel for what the full-featured OM X themes offer. Make the jump to OM X Standard or Pro Edition to take advantage of expanded master slides, Supplemental Materials, and Template Add-Ons and JumpStarts included in the retail editions.

LE Themes Pack (SD/HD)
Mac download (.dmg)