Free Every Layer.

Vivid color and intersectional gridding expose a uniquely distinctive perspective: Introducing the Strata Theme System for Keynote.
Strata LE Themes for Keynote

Expose the deeper nuances of your story one layer at a time with the all-new Strata for Keynote – where eye-catching color & type put it all into a uniquely layered perspective.

Strata LE is a Free, Limited Edition pack of the original Strata themes, trimmed down to essential master slides: perfect for trying on the style firsthand and getting a feel for what the full-featured Strata theme system offers. Make the jump to Strata Standard or Pro Edition to take advantage of expanded master slides, additional Supplemental Materials, and an extensive library of Template Add-Ons and Extras included in the retail editions.

LE Themes Pack (SD/HD)
Mac download (.dmg)